MacMillan Coffee Morning


Last week, on Thursday and Friday our workplace transformed into a cozy haven of sweet aromas and warm hearts as we hosted our annual MacMillan Coffee Morning. It was 2 days filled with baked delights and shared joy, all in the spirit of giving back.

Our incredible staff rolled up their sleeves and brought their baking talents to the forefront, whipping up an assortment of delectable treats. From delicious flapjack to traditional chocolate cakes, the office kitchen was lively with creativity. For those of us who aren’t master bakers, we did our part by contributing some delicious store-bought goodies.

But beyond the sugar rush, there was a deeper purpose to this event. Every pound raised during our Macmillan Coffee Morning will go towards providing much-needed support to families affected by cancer. It’s a cause that touches us all, and we were determined to make a positive impact.

As the day drew to a close, we gathered to reveal the total funds raised. With our collective efforts, we are thrilled to announce that we raised an impressive £300! This sum of money will help ease the burden on families facing the challenges of cancer, offering them vital assistance and support.

This event was about more than just baked goods; it was about the power of coming together as a company to make a real difference. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of our customers, staff and all partners who contributed to this success. Together, we’ve made a significant stride towards supporting families on their journey towards healing and hope. We look forward to continuing our commitment to this meaningful cause in the future.